November 8th 2021


8 NOV 2021 Called to Order at 19:00 by President Michael Kilmurray

SECRETARY’S REPORT– Leanna Morgan read the minutes from previous meeting.Motion made to accept and approve.1stMike Kilmurray2ndDick WestonApproved by all.

TREASURER’S REPORT– Carol Leigh presented account status and list of bills for payment. Motion made to pay the bills, accept and approve accounts, also move money from savings to the checking account.1stLeanna Morgan2ndDick Weston Approved by all.

CHIEF’S REPORT– Fire Chief Richard Morgan reported 4 calls- 2 EMS, 1 Fire and 1 MVA. Y-T-D  38 calls.  No repairs to vehicles this month. EVOC to be held on Nov 13, Tom Basher ‘s Meridian Fire Solutions instructor will be here at 6 PM on 30 Nov for  “Pump Operation and Hose Handling”. Tuesday and Thursday training at 6:30 PM will be ongoing.  Motion to approve Chief’s report. 1st Leanna Morgan  2nd Dave Bean

COMMITTEES: Carol reported on the Banquet plans.

COMMUNICATIONS– New York State requires paying the State wage, if we are using State funds for a construction project.  Carol will check with our lawyer, but we aren’t planning any work.

NEW APPLICATIONS:  Zeb Patterson has applied and was approved to start a 6 month probation.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Annual Physicals-  Rick will make arrangements to schedule  us for attending either Varna or Brooktondale, when they do their physicals.

Mike will set-up some on-line training for us, including Sexual Harassment.  The McNeil insurance company has many training topics on their Webinar List.

Caroline Highway Dept. is having some difficulty with their fuel  supply system, per Bobby Spencer.

“I Am Responding” can be installed on your cell phone by Mike Kilmurray.



PRES.  Mike Kilmurray V. PRES. Rick Morgan, Joe Wiiki

SEC.  Leanna Morgan TREASURER  Carol  Leigh

SGT at ARMS  JoeWiiki       TECH. SUPPORT  Doug Keefe,  Mark Gregrow

PROPERTY CLERK  Mike Kilmurray, Charlie Beaudoin, Dave Bean

FIRE CHIEF  Rick Morgan,  Dicky Weston      1st  ASST. CHIEF  Ed Klopf

2nd ASST. CHIEF  Dave Bean                          FIRE POLICE CAPT. Chuck Morse

DIRECTOR  MarkGregrow (18-22),  Joe Wiiki (19-23), Bernie Williams (20-24), Lori Staba (21-25), Jim Leigh (22-26)



Meeting adjourned at 20:05



Leanna Morgan, Richard Morgan, Joe Wiiki, LoriStaba, Dick Weston, Bobby Spencer, David Bean, Chris Luszczek, Charles Morse, Ed Klopf , Mike Kilmurray and Carol Leigh

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