9 APR 2023 Called to Order at 19:00 by President Michael Kilmurray
SECRETARY’S REPORT- Leanna Morgan read the minutes from previous meeting. Correction was made to minutes and motion made to accept and approve. 1st Rick Morgan 2nd Joe Wiiki Approved by all.
TREASURER’S REPORT- Carol Leigh presented account status and list of bills for payment. Motion made to pay the bills, accept and approve accounts. 1st Ed Klopf 2nd Rick Morgan Approved by all. Carol made a motion to provide condiments for Luann Beebe’s memorial on 22 April. Approved by all.
CHIEF’S REPORT- Asst. Fire Chief Ed Klopf reported4 calls (3 EMS1 FIRE).
TRUCK- Ed Klopf reported that we are nearly ready to talk to the Board of Directors.
FUND RAISING- Carol will report on the BBQ and Pancake Breakfast efforts next month.
COMMUNICATIONS- Varna Fire Co. invitation to their fundraiser at the Brewer’s Tap Room and Kitchen on 12 April from 6:30- 9 pm.
NY Association – The Art of Record Management was sent to Secretary Leanna Morgan.
Andrew Gildea’s application has reached the 6 month probationary point. Due to his lack of participation, he has been voted out. Approved by all. Chief Weston or Pres. Kilmurray will notify him.
NEW BUSINESS- Horseshoe League will start on 30 May. We will need to order toilets.
Jason Lanning Award- No applications this year. Brief discussion from Rick Morgan about the notification process of available NVHS students and where they live.
Sending sponsorship money to the Brooktondale “Old Mill” newsletter.
Joe Wiiki reported that the Speedsville area had lost telephone service from Frontier, several times recently.
Ed Klopf would like to start a fund raiser for purchasing the new fire truck.
President adjourned meeting at 19:54.
Attendance List-4/9/2023
Leanna Morgan Bobby Spencer Travis Gregrow Dick Weston Ed Klopf Skip Williams
Richard Morgan Carol Leigh Mike Kilmurray Charles Morse Zeb Patterson Joe Wiiki
April 2023
Posted in April 2023, Uncategorized