March 11 2024

Speedsville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.
Regular Meeting, March 11, 2024


Attendees (6)
Michael Kilmurray, Joe Wiiki, Carol Leigh, Lori Staba, Dave Bean, Dick Weston

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Michael Kilmurray

Secretary’s Report
Lori Staba read February 2024 meeting minutes. The minutes from the previous meeting were
approved as corrected. (1st Dick Weston, 2nd Joe Wiiki)

Treasurer’s Report
Carol Leigh reviewed the status of all accounts. All bills were paid as approved at the February
2024 meeting. Current bills were reviewed. Motion to pay bills (1st Dick Weston, 2nd Joe Wiiki)
approved by all.

The information for the IRS 990 tax filing has been delivered to the accountant.

Chief’s Report
Dick Weston reported 3 calls since the last meeting: 2 EMS and 1 mutual aid to Slaterville. Dry
hydrants need to be flushed. The priority is the dry hydrant located by the bridge/ Rejmer Road.
Dick will coordinate with Bobby and email a schedule.

Turbo-draft training is needed with Slaterville (priority) and others. It was clear at the Slaterville
call this would be helpful. Dryden may be interested in the mutual aid turbo draft training.

Dave Bean made the members aware that his work hours have changed, he will be working
nights. This will be helpful for daytime response.

Pancake Breakfast scheduled for March 16-17, 2024, 8-11am There will be a cleanup on Wed.
3/13 at 6PM, and Friday the chairs and tables will be brought down. Fire trucks need to be
moved for setup. Carol asked workers to arrive at 7:15am. Carol also asked that people share
the pancake breakfast ad to their Facebook networks.

Grant/Truck Committee

AFG grant has been submitted. Mike Kilmurray is the contact with the AFG program.

The NYS grant application is due by the end of April. It would cost $1,000 for Nancy TenKate to
do the application. Mike will look at the materials and recommend whether we do it ourselves
or retain TenKate services.

Chicken BBQ – scheduled for April 6, 2024
Carol will order chicken. There is plenty of charcoal. For the next charcoal purchase, Mike will
inquire about a Walmart grant.

Pig Roast -possible dates are August 3 or August 17. Want to do before horseshoe tournament.
Consider tying into Equalizer Tournament. Debbie Lusczcek will raise the pig. Carol will check
with Trudy for any conflicts with the Community Hall. There was a discussion about having
some activities for kids and families at the ball park.

Joe Wiiki learned (Richford Planning Board) that Richford currently has 3 active firefighters.

New Applications
No new member applications.

Old Business
Mike Kilmurray reminded members that political discussions are to be kept out of SVFC

New Business
We have some fire extinguishers that need to be replaced.

Adjournment at 8:02 PM

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