December 9 2024


9 DEC2024 Called to Order at 19:00 by President Michael Kilmurray

SECRETARY’S REPORT– Leanna Morgan read the minutes from previous meeting. Motion was
made to accept and approve. 1st Zeb Patterson 2nd Aaron DeBolt Approved by all.

TREASURER’S REPORT– Carol Leigh presented account status and list of bills for payment.
Motion made to pay the bills, accept and approve accounts. 1st Rick Morgan 2nd Zeb Patterson
Approved by all.

CHIEF’S REPORT– Pres. Kilmurray reported 3 Fire and 1 EMS calls(32 Y-T-D). Need to order a
new 1.5” nozzle to replace one damaged at a recent call in Brooktondale, it fell from 1721. Mr.
John Harris from HAR-ROB will be here on Wed. night at 7 pm to discuss our tanker purchase.

TRUCK:John Harris from HAR-ROB will be here on Wed. at 7 pm to discuss our tanker purchase.

COMMUNICATIONS: Richard Weston will be changing to a Social Membership on 5 Jan 2025. We
need to research the issue of “belonging to two departments”, as he intends to join the Berkshire
Fire Department. Issue is about insurance coverage liability, should he be injured on a call. Action
is put on hold, until a review is completed.

APPLICATIONS of NEW MEMBERS: Ed Klopf submitted an application for Suzi DeSanti to be
reviewed by Tompkins County Sherriff Department, before a vote is completed.

OLD BUSINESS: Carol reported that she had been willing to help John Harris (HAR-ROB) with an
application being processed with the Garrattsville Fire Co., however the Fire Chief has cancelled
their application.

Carol was looking for a hand washing station to use at the Van Riper Park facilities. She was able
to get two of them from her nephew. Thank you to “Everybody Goes” portable toilets from Chris
Mirra in Statin Island, NY.

Station generator needs to be serviced contacted Mark Beebe of J and S Electrical.

Fire Tower communications system for Davis Road site in Berkshire, has been placed on hold.

Rick Morgan said his pager will need to be replaced, as the County no longer supports repairing
them. He will be going South for the winter and won’t need one until early May.

PRES. Mike Kilmurray
V. PRES. Rick Morgan
Secratary: Leanna Morgan & Lori Staba
Treasurer: Carol Leigh

CHIEF Ed Klopf
1st ASST. Bobby Spencer
2nd ASST. Zeb Patterson
3rd ASST. Dave Bean

Fire Police Capt. Chuck Morse

Sgt at Arms Chris Luszczek, Jr.
Property Clerk. Mike K. & Joe Wiiki
IT Mike Kilmurray.

Board of Directors:
2021-2025 Lori Staba
2022=2026 Jim Leigh
2023-2027 Joe Wiiki
2024-2028 Aaron DeBolt
2025-2029 Rick Morgan

Secretary will cast one ballot per all position.

Several members recently had their annual physicals done at the Brooktondale Fire Station.

This Fall several members took a CPR class in Berkshire from the Maine Ambulance Team. We
haven’t received a bill, nor received our CPR cards. We owe Berkshire $30 and it was approved by
all to pay this bill.

Ed and Mike will look into purchasing a replacement nozzle. Rick Morgan suggested they look at
other items, that may need to be replaced, before placing an equipment order. We have some 5”
hose that has failed the annual hose testing, so we need to decide on “repair or replace”.
President adjourned meeting at 20:06
Attendance List
Leanna Morgan Richard Morgan Carol Leigh Mike Kilmurray Joe Wiiki Chuck Morse
Ed Klopf Zeb Patterson Lori Staba Aaron DeBolt

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